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About PAC

"If we wish to develop paradigm shifting technologies we need to work out a strategy to identify them, support the individuals that create the opportunities and then every aspect of what's required to deliver them." John Jupe

The Perceptual Awareness Centre (PAC) is a not-for-profit organisation engaged in forging links across multiple disciplines with an interest in the issues of perceptual awareness and the human umwelt. PAC aims to focus and coordinate research relating to experiential awareness towards multidisciplinary consensus leading to practical applications in technology.

PAC incorporates two principle areas of activity:

PAC1. Experiential Research Atelier – encourage research focused on perceptual awareness, consciousness, how we engage with our environment including the physical and biological factors controlling sensory membranes

2. Perceptual Technologies – eencourage the development of base technologies incorporating aspects of perceptual awareness to promote their dissemination across and through industries.

Development Cycle for Perceptual Technologies

By placing the experiential ontology to the fore PAC is working outside the normal demarcations set by the third party observation driving scientific enquiry. The same is true for traditional science/art collaborations (SciArt) where the involvement of art is typically to illustrate or play with the concepts that define science.

Bridging the gap between forefront research and technological application

Support and encouragement is required to cross-reference what is established from experiential encounter with other research disciplines to provide a robust platform for the development of perceptual technologies.

Higher Education Establishments (HEIs) are limited in what they can undertake in this area, there is little in the way of financial support or expertise for this important bridging activity.

While commercial companies are interested in the potential of adopting new technologies they are increasingly risk adverse with respect to game changing developments. Larger companies are bound by internal structures that are often in competition with each other as business silos and smaller companies can’t afford the resource.

There is a clear gap between the publically funded pure research and the aspirations of funding bodies for social deliverables or “impact”. The development of base technologies from cutting edge research projects would offer tangible outcomes that can be taken up by the commercial sector to deliver next generation technologies.

PAC are in a position to deliver on our agenda as we have developed initial paradigm shifting base technology (Vision-Space) for visual displays. Independent TRIZ analysis identified over two hundred commercial applications over twelve separate industries. Vision-Space is identified as highly disruptive technology.

This pioneering work was financed and conducted by both private and public sector contributions. PAC has the experience and networks to provide this vital function on an ongoing basis and to perhaps act as a model for initiatives in other areas.




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Research into visual awareness is reliant on the further development of our intuitive exploration of phenomenal field. Visual artist have strategies for pursuing this agenda that require support, recognition and classification.



Ecology of vision
Abstract | Full

Living without pictorial geometry
Abstract | Full

Muller cells & mechanobiology
Abstract | Full

Perceptual condendation in contextual field
Abstract | Full

The Experiential Ontology
Abstract | Full

Retinal processing: A theoretical proposition for retinal detection of a field potential unfolding from the light array to form the basis of spatial and orientation awareness within the phenomenon of vision
Abstract | Full

Having the Courage of Your Perceptions
Abstract | Full

Replicating our understanding of vision in images

Abstract | Full

PT Use of Vision-Space ERA


Joe Baldwin's evaluation work

Theoretical overview What does perceptual structure indicate with respect to cultural development, the maintenance of social orders and communication between world-views?
Abstract | Full





Perceptual Technologies